Young People
TEDxKingsPark is super-enthusiastic about involving everyone in our community and young people are actively invited to participate as speakers, filmmakers, performers, audiences and organisers.
- Our flagship youth event, TEDxKings Park Youth, runs annually.
- We also produce additional smaller events for young people.
- All our events, of whatever focus, are price-accessible for young people.
- Young curators are trained, supported and engaged in all events.
- Give It Forward enables potentially excluded young people to attend.
- We empower, and listen to, our Youth Panel.
Summer Cory
Youth Panel Chair
“The Youth Panel is our team of enthusiastic young people who are driven to inspire, innovate, and create while working together to bring fresh ideas to the community. This team is crucial to the development of our events, considering we live in an era where diverse perspectives are vital for change to occur. Without the Panel, we would be missing the energy and drive required to spread the important ideas emerging from Perth and WA.”
Keira Fuller
Youth Panel Vice Chair
“TEDxKings Park is wonderful in many ways, one being how many opportunities it creates for young volunteers, including production, finance, stage management and curation to name a few! As a volunteer, you are introduced to industry professionals and mentored by other passionate volunteers, each with their own expertise to impart. All this enhances our essential everyday skills, like planning, time management, public speaking and teamwork. The opportunities are so varied, and the excitement of being part of a TEDx event is like no other!”
Lydia Setiadi
Treasurer and Board Member
“I love volunteering for TEDxKingsPark, contributing my time and energy to help spread ideas in Perth. I’m empowered by the team and, as a board member, it’s great to know that being young is no barrier to taking a leadership role.”
Ope Idris
“Young people’s voices must be heard, their ideas discussed and, above all, they should be a natural and welcome part of our national conversation. TEDxYouth@KingsPark is Perth’s annual flagship TEDx event by and for young people. It’s great to be at the heart of it.”
TEDxKings Park takes seriously our responsibility to prevent harm and abuse to children and vulnerable people. We recognise that people may be vulnerable for a variety of reasons that may include their age, impaired intellectual or physical functioning, a low socio-economic background, their Indigenous identity, because English is not their native language, because they have low levels of literacy or education, or because they have been subjected to abuse, coercion, exploitation or control.
We aim to empower vulnerable people to raise their voices and contribute to important discussions that affect them. For example, our annual flagship TEDxKings Park Youth event provides a platform for young people to share their ideas.
TEDxKings Park acts with care and diligence to protect vulnerable people. We ensure compliance vetting of all our adult volunteers before they are allowed to engage with anyone under the age of 18.
Our culture, expressed in our Community Code of Conduct and upheld by our behaviour and interactions with one another, is central to the priority we attach to the safety of children and all vulnerable people who are part of our organisation in any way.
We are committed to managing identified risks and addressing any concerns, suspicions or complaints effectively, in a timely manner and with discretion and confidentiality.