Ronald is a Baad and Samsep person who grew up between Lombadina Community and Broome, along the coast of the Dampier Peninsula in the Kimberley region.
He has many distinctive memories of driving the Cape Leveque road between Broome and Lombadina, a long pindan corrugated road. His childhood was full of adventures where he found what he loves today. His time out in community was crucial towards his love for animals, the land and sea.
Ronald is the second eldest of ten children. Being one of the eldest he always wanted to set an example for his younger siblings, but understands that sometimes you don’t always pick the right path – but there is always hope to find it.
He has a Bachelor’s Degree of Science in Exercise & Health. He has been a part of many leadership programs both as a mentee and mentor as well sitting on National and University-based leadership bodies.
Ronald has been a participant of the Community Organising Fellowship and was part of the Western Australia for a Human Right’s Act committee.
He is currently the Community Campaigner for Social Reinvestment WA, looking to end the over-representation of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders in the justice system. Through the use of his skills and own lived experience he wants to make change for everyone to live in a better place.