Siobhan is a 17-year-old student, activist and coffee lover. They started working with the School Strike 4 Climate movement when they were 14, and since then has dabbled in various spaces. Focusing on issues around climate and youth, they’ve organised with Extinction Rebellion WA, WA Forest Alliance, Friends of the Earth, Conservation Council of WA, Amnesty Australia, and others.
Moving from Ireland to Australia at a young age gave them an appreciation for different landscapes and ecosystems, which spread out to encompass understanding different cultures, social systems, politics and more as they grew up. Through their recent work, they have developed a deep-rooted interest in systemic change as a key part of addressing climate change, as well as social analysis and wellbeing in changemaking spaces.
They were the recipient of Conservation Council WA’s 2019 Young Environmentalist of the Year, as well as Amnesty International’s Ambassador of Conscience Award, the latter as a representative of the local Fridays For Future.